Why Pregnancy Massage?


Women feel stressed and experience discomfort during their period of pregnancy and so they are in need of prenatal massage.  If a woman need pregnancy massage she can get it from the experts which include labor and delivery nurses, childbirth educators, and obstetricians.

One benefit of pregnancy massage Roslyn is that it reduces the stress and gives you a tranquil relaxation.  Swelling in some parts of your body can be reduced because your blood and lymph will have a good circulation.  During pregnancy, you can experience cramps, spasms, and myofascial pain which can be relieved by massage.  If you feel stress on your weight bearing joints during pregnancy, then with a good massage will reduce the stress.  The outcome of your labor is improved and is reduces the labor pain.  Massage will help enhance the pliability of the skin and the underlying tissues.  Emotionally and physically, pregnancy massage provides you support.

The person who is providing pregnancy massage must have a knowledge about pregnancy and the anatomy of the pregnant woman.  The person who will perform the massage should know that some body parts should not be massaged.  The massage table is set up to make you lie in a semi-reclining position.  The pregnant mother will be comfortable in this position and she is assured that her baby will be safe.  Some massage tables have holes in them to fit the belly but this has not been met favorably because of the stress it gives to the woman’s lower back.

The pregnancy massage is usually conducted in a dark room with an extra padded table.  With soft music playing in the background, and you will be able to relax well.  Sometimes there will be music and sounds which do not agree with you and they can be changed.

Whatever clothing is comfortable for you can be used during your pregnancy massage.  Any pregnant woman can benefit from a pregnancy massage.  It is very risky for women with pre-term labor, women with blood clots or clotting disorders or other ailments, to have a massage.   A qualified doctor should prescribe the massage before beginning the therapy.  You don’t have to be scared of having a miscarriage when having a pregnancy massage.

If your partner performs the Glen Head reflexology, then it will be useful for the labor.  Restoring your body in its pre-pregnant condition is possible with postpartum massage.  Massage is also aimed at relieving the stress of carrying and caring for the baby.  Massage will make your body relax and give relief to sore muscles.  Your uterus can shrink with abdominal massage and it also relieves subcutaneous scar tissues.   You can have this treatment 24 hours after delivery.

Massage is not good for those with common physical ailments and some areas of the body to be avoided.  You should only get a regular massage and not a strong, painful one.  If you want to use a lubricant, you can use an unscented lotion.